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Piano Practice Tips: How to Practice Playing the Piano at Home

Updated: Apr 15

how to practice piano

Practice and piano are like peas in a pod — one needs to put in the effort to excel.

Children particularly benefit from practicing consistently due to the unique developmental advantages and opportunities for growth it provides as well as its long-term benefits in terms of cognitive development, academic achievement, and personal growth.

Thus, alongside their regular piano lessons , your child also needs consistent practice at home.

But how do you ensure that they're able to make the most out of their practice sessions?

In this article, we'll explore practical tips to help your child maximise their piano practice within the familiar surroundings of your home.

Tips for Effective Piano Practice at Home

As parents, it's important to create an environment conducive to effective practice. Here are some tried-and-tested tips you can do to help them practice consistently at home:

1. Cultivate a Practice Routine

Cultivate a Practice Routine

Create a good practice space

Ensure your child has a quiet, comfortable spot with good lighting and a sturdy chair. This allows them to focus solely on their playing. Good lighting ensures clear visibility of the keys, while a sturdy chair prevents potential injuries or strains during long practice sessions.

Set goals

Encourage your child to define what they want to achieve overall. Then, break down these larger goals into smaller, achievable steps for each practice session to make these goals more manageable and less daunting for your child.

Manage practice time

Consistency is key to improvement in any skill. Help your child establish a regular practice schedule to cultivate discipline and habit formation. Allocate dedicated time for practice amidst other commitments to prioritise their musical development. A good time to set aside for piano practice could be just before dinner.

2. Practise Essential Techniques and Skills

proper technique

Finger exercises

Encourage your child to start with gentle finger stretches and wrist rolls before moving on to simple scales, arpeggios and finger drills. Remind them to focus on playing piano evenly and smoothly.

Proper positioning

Ensure your child maintains proper positioning while practicing piano to support optimal wrist movement and prevent injury.

Advise them to sit straight, keep their hands relaxed and curved over the keys.

Finger independence

Encourage your child to practice each finger individually to enhance coordination and strength. Exercises like Hanon or Czerny target finger independence and refine technique and agility for clearer execution of complex passages.

Speed and accuracy

Guide your child to practice slowly, gradually increasing speed with a metronome to foster precision and rhythm.

This methodical approach balances accuracy with tempo, improving technical proficiency and confidence in fast passages.

3. Know How to Learn New Pieces Efficiently

 sheet music

Break it down

Help your child absorb new pieces quickly by dividing them into smaller sections and learning them one at a time, or one hand at a time.

Encourage them to focus on mastering each section before moving on to the next, starting with difficult parts and practicing them slowly until they get it correct, and then repeat.

Seek help

Encourage your child to seek guidance from their piano teacher when facing issues or seeking practice advice. For example, their piano teacher can suggest well-loved classical music pieces that are well-suited to your child's skill level while still challenging their technical abilities.

4. Maximise Practice Time

consistent tempo

Mix up your practice routine

Diversify your child's practice routine with different exercises and pieces to enhance overall skill development and musical understanding.

Encourage them to practice sight-reading, scales, technical exercises and repertoire.

Stay motivated

Help your child stay motivated by finding inspiration in music they love and reminding them why they started playing. Encourage them to set new goals and challenges to keep practice exciting and rewarding. Remind them that every new skill goes through difficult seasons, if they are struggling, but they will feel a huge sense of accomplishment if they push through.

Develop Your Child's Piano Skills with Dedicated Lessons at Creative Hearts!

practice session at home

As parents of young piano students ourselves at Creative Hearts, we offer tailored instruction for individuals and groups, ensuring well-rounded progress in piano playing.

Our systematic and holistic approach guarantees a well-defined path to learning and advancement, covering crucial elements of music theory, musicianship, creativity and repertoire.

With nurturing educators leading the way, your child will benefit from valuable interaction and feedback from both peers and instructors, alongside access to resources like practice rooms and performance opportunities.

So whether your child is refining technique, mastering challenging pieces or seeking inspiration, we're committed to supporting them at every stage of their musical journey.

Don't settle for a traditional method. Choose our piano lessons with a difference at Creative Hearts.

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